Our 10th Global Walking Week Challenge is fast approaching.
Join us on virtual trails around the world !
Help us reach our target mileage.
Save the dates:
October 14 to 20 incl.
Saturday to Friday

Walk wherever you are...

you could even walk indoors!

With luck it will be in an amazing place.
While the primary feature of McArdle disease is “physical activity intolerance”... the most effective treatment option is regular physical activity.
However, due to a lack of available information and informed clinicians, many patients continue to regard physical activity as a trigger for symptoms, rather than a safe and effective treatment option.
So... to raise awareness of the importance of engaging in regular physical activity (150 minutes/week), this week-long walking event was established.
Get motivated to move
It is not intended to be a competitive challenge against one another, but rather an opportunity and incentive to get moving in your locality – whether it be just a few steps, a few blocks, or a few miles each day.
Join in our fun event
If we all participate, we could probably walk the California Coastal Trail at 1931 km! If you are interested in participating in this year’s Global Walking Week Challenge, please join us on the McArdle Disease Facebook group.
Wear the T-shirt!
Help promote awareness by wearing a relevant T-shirt during your week of being out and about. We have a range of designs for you to download and get made locally! Visit the designs page.
Post your mileage every day!
We will open a post for each day of the Global Walking Challenge for everyone to comment and let us know their mileage for that day. Perhaps you could even post a photo each day!
Here are our virtual targets, can we finish the California Coastal Trail?
Cotswolds Way, UK – 162 km (100 miles) long
John Muir Trail, USA – 358km (239 miles) long
Camino De Santiago, Spain – 800 km (497 miles) long
Bruce Trail, Canada – 850 km (528 miles) long
California Coastal Trail – 1931 km (1199 miles) long
Some photos posted in previous years

Tordis Stadheim

Andrew Wakelin

Andrew Wakelin

Tordis Stadheim