Online social media has revolutionized peer support for ultra rare diseases. Those affected around the world can find each other, exchange experiences and organize into support networks.

We have IamGSD Facebook groups for GSDs 5, 7 and 9d.
IamGSD recognizes Facebook groups as currently the pre-eminent format for responsive peer support. We wish to see high standards in these groups, with multiple Admins, active management, user guidelines and a commitment to sound information. Where groups do not meet these standards, great caution should be exercised.
We believe the Facebook groups listed below meet these standards. The postings are predominantly in English, but any language may be used. Facebook offers automated translation.
There are also other groups which have been created for special interests; and groups with posts mainly in their own language, such as the German group and the French group.
In addition there are groups covering all GSDs including the conditions we cover, for example “GSD Net” which started the online support revolution with a mailing list server back in the 1990s. When using generic groups, it is important remember that the hepatic and muscle GSDs vary enormously, and even within the muscle GSDs management can be very different.
The “McArdle Parents – IamGSD” group is a ”Private” group for parents of children with McArdle's, discussing the specific issues facing children and young people with McArdle’s. Members may speak freely without their children, or children’s friends, reading posts. Membership is open to parents or guardians, close family members or those with an expert contribution.
The “Ketosis in McArdle’s – IamGSD” is a “Private” group. It is a special interest group for people with McArdle‘s who wish to explore and develop the experimental therapy of nutritional ketosis. It has led the way in this dietary approach and research trials have followed with more in progress and being planned.

There are lots of useful tips on our YouTube channel, originated by AGSD-UK but now taken on by IAMGSD.
The IamGSD YouTube channel.
We have some professional videos on the walking courses. There are also plenty of clips on such topics as “second wind”, steeping up, and zig-zag. Watch out for more.
The AGSD-UK YouTube channel
The AGSD-UK YouTube channel has a playlist of videos on McArdle disease.
The Euromac Registry YouTube channel.
Euromac has an introduction to McArdle disease on its own YouTube channel.

Watch out for tweets on our rather inactive IAMGSD twitter account: IamGSD@musclegsd.