Have you been helped by the work that was done by people before you? Do you want to pay it forward? There are volunteering opportunities with IamSGD. Here are some of the things we need.

For the more rare muscle GSDs we are in need of expert patients who can:
Help us improve and expand on our coverage of your GSD on our web site and in our publications.
Be available for us to put newly diagnosed patients in touch with you.

We would like to offer walking courses in many more countries. We need people who are aware of good walking locations in different countries, who would be able to research suitable accommodations, obtain local maps and guidebooks, and make any other ground arrangements. Then we will bring in the course leaders to run the courses.

Do you have any special knowledge, experience or expertise that you think could be of assistance to IamGSD? Maybe in the areas of legal, PR, finance, fund-raising, website, etc. If so, please do get in touch via our Contact page.

Eventually we would like to cover all our muscle GSDs in four other languages as well as English. That will involve our publications. We are looking for native speakers of: French, Italian and Spanish; to work with us on this. German is already expertly covered by board member Monika Weingartz who has translated so much already.

We are committed to maintaining a high quality on the Facebook support groups we have registered. A careful watch is needed, and that means around the clock - so Admins in different time zones are a great help. If you think you could vet joining applications and monitor posts, we’d like to hear from you.